With the Formula 1 season underway, New Star Grand Prix is just in time to cash in. This is a top down arcade style racer, combined with a career mode more commonly associated with simulations.
First impressions may be a bit negative, as the interface and in-game graphics are a bit basic. But the game is actually good fun. If you like Formula One, there is lots to enjoy here. For each of the races there are practice sessions and qualifying, dynamic in-race weather, pits stops, and prize money.
The races are 10 laps long, which is not too much, but long enough for tactical pit stops and tire changes. The weather can really change a race. Controls are very simple; just accelerate, brake and turning keys. The sound is fantastic, with realistic F1 engine sounds, great rain effects and pit radio.
The difficulty level at the moment seems a little skewed. Easy is too easy, while normal is actually pretty hard. New Star Grand Prix is not an easy game to win. This demo features three tracks, and all the teams and drivers from F1 (with slightly changed names). There is plenty of playing time in this alone.